Monday, May 27, 2013


President Obama calls out the climate change deniers in Congress | Climate Etc.
President Obama’s labeling of these individuals as deniers (particularly those with rational positions) only serves to polarize the situation. This does not seem like good politics to me.
Twitter / stevenfhayward: First the climate brownshirts ...
First the climate brownshirts burned books at SJSU; now they're imposing loyalty oaths at Texas A&M.
Twitter / BjornLomborg: Current green is wishful ...
Current green is wishful thinking. Not new ways, just promise to cut co2. Because that's worked wonderfully so far.
“The 4 Species of Climate-Change Denial” » Pirate's Cove
Some late morning amusement from another Warmist, Forbes’ Todd Essig [clinical psychologist and psychoanalyst]
Silence of Labor lambs facing carbon tax reality |
We can't expect those who derive their income in the Church of the Global Warming movement to give up the faith, but I have detected creeping doubt within the federal government.

The Department of Climate Change has been abolished, some green schemes are being wound down, and some such as the "cash for clunkers" never got started. Mr Swan's recent Budget disclosed the rate of the carbon tax is going to collapse in two years time. The government doesn't seem perturbed by this. We will give up punishing our industry more than comparable countries around the world. Instead of leading the world, we will follow it.

But won't this lead to the melting of the Himalayan ice cap? Doesn't this mean the extinction of the polar bear?

Apparently not. Apparently, the federal government thinks things are not nearly as desperate as they once wanted us to believe.

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