Friday, May 24, 2013


WaPo commits photo fraud for global warming column |
Check out this print edition photo accompanying Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson’s unhinged rant on climate today:
Eugene Robinson: Obama’s mission on climate change - The Washington Post
Only someone who was ignorant of basic science — or deliberately being obtuse — could write a sentence like this one: “Contrary to the claims of those who want to strictly regulate carbon dioxide emissions and increase the cost of energy for all Americans, there is a great amount of uncertainty associated with climate science.”
- Bishop Hill blog - Updated climate sensitivity estimates using aerosol-adjusted forcings and various ocean heat uptake estimates
If one applied a similar approach to the four, arguably more reliable, ECS estimates from the 2003–12 data, the overall best estimate would come out at 1.65°C, considerably below the 2.0°C per Otto et al. (2013).
Lingering snow, ice could hurt Memorial Day weekend plans in Interior - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner: Local News
Most ponds and lakes in the Interior still are frozen

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