Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Is Climate Change to Blame for the Oklahoma Tornado? | Mother Jones
The six least active and four most active tornado seasons have been felt over the past decade–which could show the influence of climate change.
Is Your Car Hot In The Summer? Blame Global Warming!
According to Dr. Laurie Johnson from the National Resources Defense Council, greenhouse gases are to blame.
California's third carbon auction raises $280 million - California State Wire - fresnobee.com
California's third carbon-allowance auction raised more than $280 million as polluters bid for the right to emit greenhouse gases, state officials said today.
Heavy snowfall in Snowy Mountains – a promising start to Winter
Tourism Snowy Mountains is anticipating a strong start to Australia’s ski season following impressive snow fall in the ski region this week.

Snowy Mountains’ ski season typically kicks off in early June but despite that being a couple of weeks away, Australia’s premier ski destination has already experienced significant snowfall for the past week recording up to 20cm of snow.
Lewandowsky invents new pseudo-science of psycho-climatology™ « Australian Climate Madness
Stephan Lewandowsky knows nothing about climatology, meteorology, geology, atmospheric physics or thermodynamics, but that trivial obstacle does not prevent him believing the alarmist consensus with such fervour that he uses his own “discipline” (if you can call it that) of psychology to label those who question said consensus as suffering from some kind of mental condition, his favourite label being “conspiracy theorist”.

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