Thursday, May 30, 2013


Lord Christopher Monckton Guest Post: “Ignoratio elenchi and global warming” | Gelbspan Files
Aristotle, 2350 years ago, listed the attack on the person rather than on his argument – “Dickhead! Denier! Exxon Mobil pays you to lie!” – as one of the dozen commonest logical fallacies in human discourse.
Meteorological Society president cites global warming disaster movie ‘Day After Tomorrow’ as science |
Watch for yourself.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds rainforests prospered & increased diversity during extreme global warming in the past
A new paper published in the Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science finds South American rainforests thrived during three extreme global warming events in the past, each with temperatures much warmer than the present. "According to the fossil record, rainforests prospered under these hothouse conditions and diversity increased." "When carbon dioxide concentrations double, trees use much less water, which is further evidence that tropical forests may prove resilient to climate change."
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds global warming caused by CFCs, not CO2; predicts cooling for next 50-70 years
"Most conventional theories expect that global temperatures will continue to increase as CO2 levels continue to rise, as they have done since 1850. What's striking is that since 2002, global temperatures have actually declined -- matching a decline in CFCs in the atmosphere," Professor Lu said. "My calculations of CFC greenhouse effect show that there was global warming by about 0.6 °C from 1950 to 2002, but the earth has actually cooled since 2002. The cooling trend is set to continue for the next 50-70 years as the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere continues to decline."
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Inconvenient question for Joe Romm
You miss the point that there was no glacier covering the plant prior to the peak of the LIA 400 years ago.
Why was that?

UPDATE: Romm deleted this comment

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