Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Former chief UK scientist says precautionary principle could reduce crop yields 25% |
“Former Chief Government Scientist Professor Sir John Beddington has accused EU policymakers of misusing the precautionary principle in their approach to pesticides such as neonicotinoids.”
EU vote today could ‘end climate hysteria’ |
One high-profile German MEP Holger Krahmer (ALDE), hailed the end of “climate hysteria” in a jubilant press statement.
Twitter / iansomerhalder
I am so so so so so sorry Oklahoma...DAMMIT! No, climate change huh?We've NEVER seen anything like this,with this frequency in our history.
Twitter / iansomerhalder
Still can't sleep-jet lagg.
Fossil fuel divestment campaign's victory in Australia will be a moral one | Alexander White |
Journalist and climate activist Bill McKibben is in Australia in June on his epic Do The Math tour
Wheat Exports From India to Plummet as Farmers Hoard Harvest - Bloomberg
The world will harvest a record 701.1 million tons next year, the USDA said in a report on May 10.

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