Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Future Global Warming Likely Lower: Second Chance for Humanity? - Hit & Run : Reason.com
It will indeed be interesting to see if the IPCC continues "to defend the 2-4.5C range."
A giant meteor - not overhunting - wiped out the woolly mammoth because it struggled to cope with the rapid climate change that followed | Mail Online
A meteor hitting the Earth 12,800 years ago released toxic gases into the air and blocked out the sun causing temperatures to plummet and plants to die
Gov. Christie angers enviros: ‘No proof that Sandy was caused by climate change’ | JunkScience.com
Chris Christie is a warmist — but that’s not good enough for the cult. You must stick to the entire warmist script or you may as well be a denier.
Bill Nye the Science Fool: Higher average global temperature provides heat for tornados | JunkScience.com
Though no one knows where and when mean global temperature occurs or what it might mean (if anything), Bill Nye the Science Guy says it fueled the Oklahoma tornado.
Heat-related deaths in Manhattan projected to rise – except reality shows them going down in the USA | Watts Up With That?
Only one problem, an NIH study shows that thanks to air conditioning and other factors, including better education programs about heat waves, heat related deaths are actually going down in the USA.
First Blood: Wonkette blog unleashes profanity-filled screed at Sen. Inhofe, skeptics over Oklahoma tornado | JunkScience.com
Read the Wonkette screed.

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