Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Warmist Marty Kaplan: Graph of CO2 levels over last 800k years "should be as horrifying as any computer-generated imagery Hollywood has to offer"

Marty Kaplan: The Day the Earth Stood Stupid
Say goodnight, Earthlings.

That message -- plus the slimmest of shots at an eleventh-hour reprieve -- was announced to the people of the world last week.
It's not that people who know our planet's hair is on fire aren't trying to get our attention. The animated graph from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Earth Science Research Lab showing how atmospheric carbon dioxide has changed over the last 800,000 years should be as horrifying as any computer-generated imagery Hollywood has to offer.
I admit that my fantasy that last week's CO2 headlines might rally our planet like an alien invasion may make me as guilty of magical thinking as Senator God-Won't-Allow-Us.
Hey Marty: In your world, how horrifying is this graph?

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