Monday, May 06, 2013

Warmist Michael Schlesinger suggests that Joe Bastardi should read his papers to learn how CO2 is overheating the planet; CNN's Chad Myers should attend Schlesinger's class

Interviewing Dr. Schlesinger- Global Warming Skeptics - YouTube
[12-minute video] During an hour long interview with 2007 IPCC Nobel Prize Recipient and Head of the Climate Research Group at the UIUC campus, Dr. Michael Schlesinger, I asked him to respond to some of the questions asked by our community. One of the most popular questions was: "How do you respond to global warming skeptics?" So without further ado, despite the video and audio quality being quite bad, here is a behind the scenes look at my interview with Professor Schlesinger and in particular, his thoughts on climate skeptics.


joe bastardi said...

Here is what we need from Dr Schlesinger, who obviously has a vested interest in this. ( imagine with all he has published and said on this, he is wrong.. there goes a lifetime of unenviable position) Mine is simply nailing this forecast, made 4 years ago, that by 2030, because of the natural cyclical events of the returning cold pdo and then the amo, temps will return to where they wee in 1978.
The sun is a wild card,and may be even a bigger problem

1) Why are you busting?


models vs temp

2) Why didnt you tell us this would happen before. If you hide behind natural variability, are you saying we we could heading into a mini ice age if not for co2?

3) make your forecast. Quit coming after people who know co2 is so small, that while contributing .4 to .7 to the 33C of the GHGs that warm our planet enough so we can actually live in a large area of the world, but understand the large scale drivers of the sun, the oceans and natural stochastic events far outweigh what co2 can do. It is limited because of the magnitude of factors around it.

I am a second generation meteorologist, schooled by someone why grew up in the 30s 40s and 50s and stressed, before the time of computers, to study past events to supply the hint for the future. I dont live in your virtual world, nor a world where if I am getting the tar beat out of me by the facts above, I shoot my mouth off with excuses as to why. That same older person from that generation taught me then when you are right its a reason, wrong, an excuse. Given what I see as actual data in front of me, I think I am the man with the reasons and you are the one with the excuses. If you wish. make your forecast and not some pie in the sky 50 year forecast. When will the rise resume? Better still, when will it catch up.

And perhaps you would like to explain to people starving in the streets of this country how laws enacted based on what is plainly busting, that has thrown trillions of dollars away when one counts the handcuffs placed on economies, are doing anything but adding to misery.

I see you went to school when i did. Well guess what, we probably have the same concerns for people less fortunate than us, but this is causing misery and suffering for people that neither one of us wants to see I would suggest you humble yourself to the reason for all this. the design of the planet is such that it strives for a balance it can ever have, and jumping on one thing and a very small thing at that,rather than the entire picture and the large scale big ticket drivers, is arrogance in the face of a system that humans are a very tiny part of, but seem to think we are in control of

justintempler said...

Oh goodie!

Another fraudulent Nobel Prize Recipient...

Anonymous said...

Schlesinger, is talking utter tripe, his science is no better than that of Mann's, slice and dice to erase the MWP.
Michael Schlesinger's climate mysticism is up there with Al Gore's 'chicken little' trumpery.