Friday, June 14, 2013

"Scientific" American's David Biello suggests that because of trace amounts of CO2, half the Earth could become too hot for human habitation in less than 300 years

Twitter / dbiello: what happens with climate change ...
what happens with climate change after 2100 if we don't do something? nothing good
2010: Too hot to live: grim long-term prediction
HALF the Earth could become too hot for human habitation in less than 300 years, Australian scientists warn.
Yale Environment 360: David Biello
David Biello has been covering energy and the environment for nearly a decade, the last four years as an associate editor at Scientific American.

1 comment:

WestHoustonGeo said...

This is why I told SA to keep its glossy fishwrap out of my mailbox, about ten years ago.