Tuesday, June 04, 2013


A consultation for that rash and a bout of climate change | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Are chats about global warming with your Greens GP now funded by Medicare?
The Inanity of the Global Solar Panel Market
So there’s an EU policy that forces Europeans to buy solar panels. Yet there is also an EU policy meant to make solar panels much more expensive. Finally, there are several European policies meant to make them much cheaper. Got that?

Such are the endless and inefficient complexities wrought when government creates an industry out of whole cloth, as any member of the Gosplan could have told you.
Newspaper Editors Tell Britain’s Climate Change Fool To Go Forth & Multiply | Tory Aardvark
The warming alarmists argument is so strong and persuasive that they want only their views heard, that is how confident they are of their facts, Liberal they are not, when their noble and lofty schemes are threatened, then you see the real face of Liberalism, it is just a sugar coating for another authoritarian regime utterly convinced of its own righteousness.
Climate change keeping early birds from worms
[Some idiot argues that warm spring weather is bad for purple martins]  ...scientists focused their attention on purple martins, a common insect-eating songbird that migrates from the Amazon basin to breeding grounds in the United States and Canada.
My Purple Martin BLOG - Extended Cold Spells TROUBLE for Purple Martins
Though it may make a cute picture, the mix of purple martins and extended adverse weather spells almost certain death for our feathered friends. And by extended weather, we are only talking about 2 days or more. Knowing what you can do will help your colony survive these early spring cold snaps.

Adverse weather, to a purple martin, is 2 or more days of steady rain and/or wind and/or cold temperatures below 40F. Only one of these conditions will make it virtually impossible for a purple martin to find enough food to sustain itself.

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