Monday, June 24, 2013


Enviros hype Obama climate push — “Will personally own efforts to combat climate change” |
Obama will “personally own” efforts to combat climate change, a decision that the country’s biggest environmental group sees as a “huge deal,” Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said today in an interview discussing what he’s been told by administration officials.
Twitter / Revkin: Whatever your views on #AGW, ...
Whatever your views on , disturbing to see delete factual tweet on hurricane history: Open society?
Introducing the new profession of extreme-weather architect - Quartz
Daniel Horn, a fresh New York architecture graduate, has launched a global competition around a tricky design question—what is the most aesthetic way to raise the elevation of an entire neighborhood block by eight to 10 feet?
Twitter / Huroner1: How long will global warming ...
How long will global warming fantasy survive? If this arctic ice pattern continues the answer is 3 months
Australia’s Big Science Vision – an eco-green form of sustainable mediocrity. « JoNova
The Australian Government have reissued their research priorities for science. Sadly it’s infected with the eco-virus. There are seven “sustainables”, and ten aspects of “change”. When it comes to maximizing our competitive advantage, the first point is the development of “reliable, low cost, low emission energy.” Say no more. After applying a wheel-clamp to the economy, we’re paying scientists to figure out how to drive cars with wheel-clamps on.

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