Saturday, June 15, 2013


Why Colorado's Fire Losses, Even with Global Warming, Need Not Be the 'New Normal' -
Global warming is almost surely contributing to drought and heat in ways that exacerbate fire risk, but the prime driver of losses in these recent fires is a heavily subsidized burst of development in zones of implicit fire danger.
Green Energy Quote of the Day | NoFrakkingConsensus
...It’s so dramatically different in tone and content, it could have been written by a Greenpeace employee. Oh, wait.

At the bottom of the article – which looks disturbingly like any other news story on Bloomberg‘s website – we discover that it was co-written by author Rainer Baake, a German green energy activist, and Jennifer Morgan.

Morgan used to be the World Wildlife Fund’s chief climate change spokesperson. These days she works for another environmental lobby group – when she isn’t serving as a review editor for that absolutely neutral and unbiased body called the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
May U.S. Temperature trend/decade: – 6.8 F COOLER in 100 years | UD/RK Samhälls Debatt
So the “warming trend” 2000-2013 for May is exactly - 0.68 F degrees a decade. That is a - 6.8 F COOLER in 100 years. That’s what I call “warming”!n
Climatesense-norpag: E-Mail to Stephen Belcher re Climate Change - Global Cooling
There has been no net warming since 1997 with CO2 up over 8%, The warming trend peaked in about 2003 and the earth has been cooling slightly for the last 10 years . This cooling will last for at least 20 years and perhaps for hundreds of years beyond that
Sierra Club: Warmists ‘worse off than when the President’s second term started’ |
“On climate, we’re worse off than we were when the president’s second term started,” said Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune.
Model-Data Comparison: Hemispheric Sea Ice Area | Bob Tisdale – Climate Observations
Just add sea ice onto the growing list of variables that are simulated poorly by the IPCC’s climate models.

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