Saturday, June 29, 2013


Jim Yong Kim [warmist World Bank chief]: U.S. makes key climate moves, but not enough
Soon, our forecasts showed, a world 2 degrees Celsius warmer would have dire consequences: Forty percent of the land used to grow maize in Africa could no longer support the crop; parts of major cities in South Asia, including Bangkok, could be under water; and the fish stocks in parts of Southeast Asia could decline by 50 percent.
World Bank Sees ‘Vulnerable’ Food System on Climate Change - Bloomberg
Frosts in Brazil helped cut the sugar cane crop in the country’s main producing region for the first time in a decade in the 2011-12 season
PJ Media » Failure Deniers: Climate Change and Public-Sector Science
If warmists had to justify their work to clients with business decision-making interest in their results — instead of needing to keep politically vested true believers at the EPA, anti-progress environmental lobbyists at “public-interest groups,” and radical wealth distributionists happy — they wouldn’t be influential anymore.

They would have long ago been forced to objectively reexamine their assumptions and to modify their models to explain the lull, or be fired for incompetence and replaced by those performing more reliable work.

That’s not happening. The more reality continues to mock them, the more recklessly the warmists lash out at, threaten, and litigate against ”deniers,” the more they deliberately manipulate their data to fit their dogma, the more they falsely claim “settled science.”

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