Monday, June 03, 2013


Climate campaigner warns of burning need to keep coal in the ground
The world famous climate activist - seen by many as a rock star of the global warming movement (he's been jailed twice for leading protests against the Keystone XL pipeline extension, some of the largest civil disobedience actions in the US for decades) - is in Australia this week for his Do the Maths tour.
Two RMIT University economists, Sinclair Davidson and Ashton De Silva, wrote in the Australian in April that "foreigners coming to Australia to campaign against our national economy can do a lot of damage if their claims go unchallenged.

"The consequences of ill-informed meddling in the coal economy would have a massive negative impact in Australia," wrote the pair, who co-authored a recent report on the country's coal industry which was commission by the Australian Coal Association.
Twitter / tomolpo: A NYC restaurateur is shipping ...
A NYC restaurateur is shipping a 12ft ice sculpture from Iceland for display, chilled by solar panel
Ed Davey: The Earth Continues To Heat Up | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
The pause in surface temperature is a false summit. Surface temperature is but one indicator among many. As a whole, the Earth continues to heat up.
Tea party targeting Southern Co. power monopoly - SFGate
Leaders of the Atlanta Tea Party are challenging Southern Co. subsidiary Georgia Power over the monopoly's reluctance to increase its use of solar power, the ballooning costs of building a new nuclear power plant and even its legal right to monopoly status.
Trade Winds Drop, and Hawaii Gets Muggy - ABC News
"People always try to ask me: 'Is this caused by global warming?' But I have no idea," said University of Hawaii at Manoa meteorologist Pao-shin Chu, who began to wonder a few years ago about the winds becoming less steady and more intermittent.

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