Sunday, June 09, 2013


Twitter / JamesDelingpole
I'm sorry but I absolutely REFUSE to believe these heinous allegations about the famously incorruptible, highly principled Tim Yeo MP
AGU Chapman conference - Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future
What can climate scientists do to improve communication with the general public and policy makers?
What forms of expressing non-scientific values or prescriptive judgments are appropriate?...
How can we communicate climate change to the media, stakeholders and the public in a manner that is most comprehensive and relevant to the respective audiences?
[Should we start by desperately avoiding any communication or debate with anyone who points out flaws in our junk science?]
How do we as honest scientists grapple with the difficult distinction between facts and values, the objective and the subjective, particularly in areas where subjective judgment is a part of the process of evaluation?
How might we enhance the authority and legitimacy of climate knowledge and its generators, e.g. transparency in data, methods and models, discipline and professionalism in both public and private communications? Is the ‘non-traditional electronic media science’ in a form of science blogs and forums successful in communicating the science to society and policymakers?
Flashback: Inside Michael Mann's bunker: He's carefully set up a "cocoon of unreality" in an attempt to avoid any contact with people who disagree with his junk science

Even with the best models, warmest decades, most CO2: Models are proven failures « JoNova
Presumably the modelers must be convinced that this is noise, a temporary deviation, and that the warming will come. Is there any other word for this than denial?

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