Thursday, June 06, 2013

Warmist Jo Abbess: "Access to energy is a human right, I believe. Access to zero carbon energy is therefore also a human right"

Twitter / joabbess
@KenCaldeira Access to energy is a human right, I believe. Access to zero carbon energy is therefore also a human right. @mwt2008 @tan123  [Is access to fossil-fueled energy a human right?]
Newsnight : Complain to the BBC @ Jo Abbess
[Jo Abbess, 2010] There is no debate in Climate Change. There is only one position, and that position is that it’s serious and getting worse, although at the moment we just don’t know whether that’s going to turn out as “horribly bad” or “incredibly dangerous”.


eco-geek said...

Apart from the unpleasantness off a war the climate in the 1940s was quite tolerable when atmospheric CO2 was 440ppm. Of course the warmists like to fiddle the global temperatures for this period downwards to try and convince us it is warming but if we are generous to them and neglect the data massaging it would seem that should CO2 be the major climate driver then CO2 drives mean global temperatures downwards albeit very slightly. Predictions of horribleness in the years to come suggest then that much coolness will be upon us.

Derfel Cadarn said...

I have no argument with Abbess' statement, if they want zero carbon energy let them generate it with THEIR money