Saturday, June 01, 2013

You can run, Marshall, but you can't hide: Faced with my simple scientific question, AMS warmist Marshall Shepherd calls me a "mosquito" and blocks me on Twitter

Try Marshall's tactic the next time your boss or your wife asks you a simple question:  I won't answer the question unless it's submitted in the form of a peer-reviewed paper.

Twitter / DrShepherd2013
@LesJohnsonHrvat @tan123 I do but that opposition for me is only people that publish their opposing positions in peer review.have a good day
Twitter / DrShepherd2013 [right after he blocked me on Twitter]
said before, twitter is positive experience like a summer picnic, but there can be some mosquitoes, had to use some "twitter" Off today
Tom Nelson: Too funny: When I asked warmist Marshall Shepherd why he says the AGW signal emerged in 1850, while Stephen Schneider said the 1980s, he refuses to answer; tells me to try "publishing your thoughts in peer reviewed journal"

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