Thursday, July 18, 2013

CO2-phobic Harry Reid: "You cannot deny the impacts of climate change: It is making the devastation from wildfires far worse"

Twitter / SenatorReid: You cannot deny the impacts ...
You cannot deny the impacts of climate change: It is making the devastation from wildfires far worse.
[my responses]
@SenatorReid @climatebrad Worse than the 1871 Peshtigo fire? (Killed over 1000 people; burned 1.2 million acres;wall of flame a mile high)
@SenatorReid @climatebrad Worse than the 1894 Hinckley fire? (Destroyed six towns, killed 600 people)
@SenatorReid @climatebrad Worse than the 1918 Cloquet fire? (Killed nearly 1,000 people, destroyed 10 towns, blackened 1,500 square miles)

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