Monday, July 22, 2013

Hmm: Michael Mann is campaigning *for* a guy who said this in May: "We need to make sure we do what we need to, to make sure this vital [coal] industry here in Virginia continues to grow"

Terry McAuliffe Is a Flip-Flopper--And That's Just Fine with Green Groups -
Of McAuliffe [Mann] said, "If ever there was an example of the perfect being the enemy of the good, it's someone complaining about a candidate like Terry who respects science and will reward innovation. One may not agree with every position he has regarding energy and climate politics…but the alternative is someone like Cuccinelli who represents a scientist's worst nightmare. He rejects evolution and climate science and abuses political authority."
Now McAuliffe has changed his tune. In May, he visited the Bristol, Va. headquarters of coal producers Alpha Natural Resources, which has contributed $10,000 to his campaign. After the visit, he told reporters "I was over at Alpha Natural Resources talking about what they need done to make sure we have a healthy work force of coal, that coal can continue….We need to make sure we do what we need to, to make sure this vital industry here in Virginia continues to grow. I can really help them on exports; to open up those Asia markets in China and Korea. As governor, I want to help them create more jobs to help exports around the world."

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