Monday, July 29, 2013


Arctic Scientists Having Difficulty Interpreting Graphs | Real Science
You can see the rotten, decayed ice here. Ice extent is more than double last year’s “record low” and has been moving horizontally for almost a week.
The Post-Normal Times , Archive » Rhetorical hyperbole? Or reckless disregard for truth?
It also looks like Myron Ebell (one of the ringleaders at CEI) will get what he once wished for...Ebell was also quoted in a BBC article saying “We’ve always wanted to get the science on trial” and “we would like to figure out a way to get this into a court of law.”
Twitter / shubclimate: "Communication is no longer ...
"Communication is no longer a one-way street on which they get to direct the traffic." - Hilary Ostrov
Twitter / etzpcm: DECC estimates that its energy ...
DECC estimates that its energy and climate change policies will add 33% to the average electricity price paid by UK households in 2020.
‘I Will Act On Climate Change’ bus stops in Des Moines | Des Moines Register Staff Blogs
Des Moines Mayor Frank Cownie began the event by talking about the importance of local efforts to address climate change.
It’s at the local level where we see effects of climate change daily,” Cownie said at the event.
David Courard-Hauri, a professor of environmental science and policy at Drake University, explained two myths associated with climate change: it is not caused by humans and it is too expensive to address.
While it may have been argued in the 1990s that climate change was a natural occurrence, Courard-Hauri said the way the climate has changed since then has shown “this is not natural change we’re seeing.”
Courard-Hauri also discussed a study in New York that showed the state would make money if it went 100 percent to alternative energy.

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