Monday, July 01, 2013


Record Heat And Drought Fuel Chaotic Wildfire In Arizona, Killing 19 Firefighters | ThinkProgress
There had not been a wildfire in Yarnell for 40 years.
New Survey: Climate Alarmism Is Waning…Now “Germans Predominantly Unalarmed About Global Warming”
A majority of Germans believe that global warming is taking place, yet most of them are unable to perceive it. It’s strange that a news magazine like FOCUS would pay Germany’s top polling organization for such a survey, and then remain quiet about the results.
Climate of Corruption: Interior Dept. climate science program rigged for cronies, internal review finds |
The Washington Guardian reports:
A climate science program created by the Interior Department’s Fish and Wildlife Service lacks key taxpayer protections, leaving it ripe for favoritism and misspending, an internal investigation has found.

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