Monday, July 01, 2013


Energy: EDR comes to town - in disguise
The wickedness of rationing power by price rather than availability means that the poorest will be hit hardest, more so as the impact will be concealed. Suppliers are replacing defaulting customers' meters with pre-payment units, so they do not need to be cut off for non-payment. Those who cannot afford the higher prices will simply "self-disconnect" - their own personal "choice".

Power cuts will, by this means, become very private affairs - invisible to policy-makers and the media. And as long as the street lights keep burning, this will be a crisis the politicians can ignore. [Via JP]
Good news for polar bears: no early breakup of W. Hudson Bay sea ice this year | polarbearscience
we have long passed the point when breakup of the sea ice in Western Hudson Bay (30% ice concentration) could be considered ‘early.’
Twitter / Balinteractive: £100m for a new supercomputer, ...
£100m for a new supercomputer, yet as soon as MO load it with their AGW software, it'll be as good as my laptop!
Twitter / loubgray: Just been criticised for writing ...
Just been criticised for writing about heatwave few days after saying UK could be in for 10yrs of wet summers Now I know how @metoffice feel

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