Monday, July 22, 2013


Ten Years' "Accelerated Global Warming"? No, Mr. President! | Originals
[Monckton] During the July 2013 U.S. Senate hearing at which Roger Pielke Jr. and Roy Spencer gave stellar testimony to the visible discomfiture of the climate-extremist witnesses, none of the Democrat Senators and none of those they had chosen to testify before them was at all anxious to defend Mr. Obama’s assertion that over the past decade global warming has been accelerating at an unforeseen rate.
Tour de France: Climate change real concern | Toronto Star
If global warming is only moderate, temperatures in the south of France, where stages of the tour are usually held, will increase by about two degrees Celsius by of the easiest changes would be to move the entire event to a month with a lower average temperature
The start of the end — Mainstream press says “Politicians go cold on global warming” « JoNova
Soon will come the time when everyone says “I always knew it was wrong”.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Scientific 'consensus' overturned again: Life on Earth 4 times older than previously believed

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