Tuesday, August 27, 2013


A Tale of Two Climate Hockey Sticks: Newsroom: The Independent Institute
[Fred Singer] By “fake” I mean it is ‘not real.’ Please note that I do not use the term “faked.” I prefer to believe that Dr. Michael Mann, creator of the hockey stick, simply made several scientific errors when he derived this notorious graph of global surface temperature from his analysis of ‘proxy’ data (tree rings, corals, lake sediments, etc) of the past millennium. Canadian scientists Steven McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, as well as statistics expert Edward Wegman (of George Mason University in Virginia), demonstrated that Mann’s data and statistical methods are both faulty; yet he has not withdrawn his HS paper—though Nature was compelled to publish a belated and inadequate Corrigendum by Mann. Quietly, however, he has co-published temperature graphs that show a distinct Medieval Warm Period (MWP) 1000 years ago and a Little Ice Age (LIA), mostly around 1400-1800 AD.
Fossil Fuels Improve the Planet — MasterResource
I believe that if we look at the big picture, the facts are clear. If we want a healthy, livable environment, then we must be free to use fossil fuels.

Why? Because for the foreseeable future, fossil fuels provide the key to a great environment: abundant, affordable, reliable energy.
▶ Noam Chomsky - How Climate Change Became a Liberal Hoax - YouTube
[After the 1 min. mark, Chomsky claims the press says "one side is 98% of scientists who know anything, the other side is Senator Inhofe and a couple of stragglers..."]

1 comment:

papertiger said...

Fred Singer prefers to believe that Dr. Michael Mann simply made several scientific errors when he derived this notorious graph of global surface temperature ...

In other words, Fred doesn't want to deal with the evil son of a bitch. Mann's lies have killed more people than small pox, but you go ahead and leave it for the rest of us Fred.