Friday, August 16, 2013


C3: Those Stubborn Facts: '15' Peer Reviewed Studies Confirm Arctic Was Warmer During Medieval Period
That's 15 scientific studies, using actual empirical evidence, confirming the known facts and historical anecdotal evidence.
The global dance of carbon dioxide and spreading green flora « JoNova
As you watch the yearly cycle, hold on to the thought: “my car can change global CO2 levels”…
Twitter / Green_Minds: Michael Mann mentions Merchants ...
Michael Mann mentions Merchants of Doubt--great book on connections btw paid "Cigarettes are safe" crowd & #climate deniers. #scioclimate
Twitter / MontanaEPSCoR: Tom Armstrong: I need YOU to ...
Tom Armstrong: I need YOU to take climate "debate" away from debate and into what are we going to do about it #scioclimate
Twitter / MicheleWBerger: Let's end the debate on CC ...
Let's end the debate on CC and instead focus on what we can do. -Tom Armstrong, @usgcrp #scioclimate

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