Monday, August 05, 2013


Climate change won’t affect Indus and Ganga levels - Hindustan Times
Despite a threat of global warming due to climate change, the water level of major rivers fed by the Himalayan glaciers will not drop over the next century, says a new research. The findings of the team led by Dr Walter Immerzeel, scientist at Utrecht University of Netherlands, say that increase in monsoon would prevent the rivers from drying up. Details of the study were published online by ‘Nature Geoscience’.

Significantly, Dr Immerzeel, who is a visiting scientist at the Kathmandu-based International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development), had predicted drop in water levels of the same rivers in an article published in ‘Science’ three year ago.
North Pole Temperatures Below Normal For 100 Consecutive Days | Real Science

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds climate sensitivity to CO2 is 'close to zero'
A new peer-reviewed paper published in Energy & Environment finds there is no agreement between observations and climate model predictions during the last two decades of the 20th century. According to the author, "This finding is shown to put constraints on surface [temperature] trend and Climate Sensitivity, limiting them to values close to zero." The paper adds to several other peer-reviewed publications finding the IPCC estimates of climate sensitivity to CO2 are greatly exaggerated.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper finds Greenland temperatures were ~8C warmer than the present during the last interglacial
A new paper published in Climate of the Past finds that "the previous interglacial (Eemian, 130,000–114,000 years ago) had a mean sea level ...4 to 7 meters above the current level, and, according to climate proxies, a 2 to 6 C warmer Arctic summer climate." The paper also finds temperatures above the Greenland ice sheet were a remarkable 8C higher than the present, far exceeding the most catastrophic of IPCC predictions.

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