Saturday, August 17, 2013


Quadrant Online - Scaring kids for a greener world
Brainwashing of Australian children and teens about climate catastrophism is a normal part of the education landscape. But here’s a new twist. Could green lobby groups pay students and enlist teachers with handsome cash awards for spruiking the alarmist credo?
Obama forges ahead with green energy agenda despite congressional opposition | Fox News
Marc Morano,a global warming skeptic and publisher of the website, applauds the administration's strategy, if not its purpose.

"The Obama administration is being strategically brilliant by doing this behind the scenes," he says. "They're going to achieve everything that cap and trade, and UN treaties and even a carbon tax would achieve through the invisibility of federal regulations. "
Ethanol quotas pump money from your pocket: USA Today editorial
Fuel-efficient cars, new oil supplies make mandate obsolete.
BEAUPREZ: EPA's renewable fuel folly - Washington Times
Carbon taxes a war on poor
Opinion: Along with being useless and huge waste of money

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