Thursday, August 08, 2013


How Much Should You Worry About an Arctic Methane Bomb? | Chris Mooney
A number of prominent scientists and methane experts interviewed for this article voiced strong skepticism about the Nature paper. "The scenario they used is so unlikely as to be completely pointless talking about," says Gavin Schmidt, a noted climate researcher at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York.

Schmidt is hardly the only skeptic.
State Government to save $51m by cutting solar tariff | Perth Now
In a blow to energy sustainability efforts, the tariffs - currently worth 40 cents per kilowatt - will be reduced to 30 cents later this year and 20 cents in 2014, today’s State Budget reveals.

The move, which has been slammed by green groups, is expected to save the Barnett Government $51.2 million in 2013-14.
Senate panel warns over climate change | Environment |
Bipartisan report highlights scientific link between severe weather events and dangerous global warming
The report, called Dangerous Degrees, warned that current warming trends would see a temperature increase of at least four degrees by 2100 – well above the internationally agreed limit of two degrees warming.
Hewson helped unveil the report and said that climate change could carry an economic cost that would make the global financial crisis seem like a "blip".
America’s Shale Export Revolution | The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF)
Thanks to America’s amazing shale revolution, US exports of refined petroleum products have tripled to a new record high in June.

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