Sunday, August 04, 2013


Kentucky August Temperatures Declining Since 1895 | Real Science

SPD Campaign Posters Ruined by Rain - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Attempts by Germany's main opposition party, the center-left Social Democrats, to close the gap with their competitors were once again hampered on Thursday when 8,000 supposedly eco-friendly campaign posters turned to pulp in the rain.
CONCERNS OF A CLIMATE SCIENTIST | [Warmist Richard Somerville]
The plain fact is that what mankind decides to do in the coming years and decades will largely determine the climate that our children and grandchildren will inherit.
22nd Daily Record of Year for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent | sunshine hours
August 3 (Day 215) saw the 22nd Daily Record of the Year for Antarctic Sea Ice Extent. This is the 11th daily record in a row.
The Three Rings of the Climate Circus | Power Line
Late next month the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will begin releasing its massive Fifth Assessment Report (AR5 in the trade), starting with the report of Working Group I, on the science of climate change. The reports of Working Groups II and III will dribble out in 2014. In previous assessment reports, the entire report with the findings of all three working groups came out at once. I suspect this change may be an attempt to be sure there are three chances to make headlines, especially since the media is losing interest in the subject. Power Line will be all over the report when it comes out. As we’ve reported here before, this next IPCC report will have to do some fancy footwork to explain the increasing anomalies of recent temperature trends. I’m sure they’re up to the job.

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