Saturday, August 24, 2013


Global warming skeptics fire back at Al Gore for comparing them to racists and supporters of slavery — Morano: ‘Science is revealing Gore to be on the wrong side of history’ | Climate Depot
'Gore is still trying to demonize and smear skeptics as modern racists and generally evil people,; Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot, a global warming skeptic site, told The Daily Caller News Foundation. 'The problem is that the science is revealing Gore to be on the wrong side of history. Global warming skeptics have been basking in scientific vindication on a virtual A-Z of climate claims,” Morano added. “The more Gore makes these comparisons and actually believes his own rhetoric, the more marginalized he becomes.”
Who is on which ‘side’ in the climate debate, anyways? | Climate Etc.
The whole issue of uncertainty seems to be growing in importance. Skeptics are increasingly getting their papers published (including some that have emerged from the skeptical blogosphere). The policy debate has broadened far beyond CO2 mitigation, although climate scientists don’t seem to understand this. Unfortunately, the ostracism of scientists that do not socially support the consensus continues. And the insistence on scientists supporting urgent action on CO2 mitigation continues unabated.
Twitter / Foxgoose: Arctic ice trending towards ...
Arctic ice trending towards highest minimum for 7 years!
Twitter / aDissentient: Central England temp record ...
Central England temp record for 2013 currently below long-term average

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