Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Organizing For Action Delivers Unicorn Trophies To 135 'Climate Deniers' In Congress
"These awards are as real as the scientific evidence saying climate change is happening," said social director Caleb Gardner in an announcement on OFA's website.
Twitter / MichaelEMann: A lot of talk about ...
A lot of talk about #InformationDeficit model in climate communication, when real problem is often a #MisinformationSurplus. #NotTheSame
Twitter / JunkScience: Barbara Boxer ducks debate ...
Barbara Boxer ducks debate challenge from Dana Rohrabacher. Can't call her ma'am -- how about chicken?
Twitter / etzpcm: Remarkable that a Tory peer ...
Remarkable that a Tory peer and chair of the Committee on Climate Change is tweeting like an 18-year-old Greenpeace activist @lorddeben
ASI 2013 update 6: major slowdown - Arctic Sea Ice
[Warmist Neven] the melting has come to a complete standstill. In the past 10 days the ice pack has not lost, but gained 20K km2! That's so crazy for this phase of the melting season that I barely have words for it. It's unique as far as the record goes.

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