Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Labor Minister Mike Kelly defends 'alarmist' climate change remarks
LABOR Minister Mike Kelly has claimed that abolishing the carbon tax would turn the Snowy Mountains into the “Sandy Mountains”, the Sapphire Coast into the “Saline Coast” and the Bega Valley into “Death Valley”.

The Eden-Monaro MP yesterday denied his comments defending the Clean Energy Future package were alarmist, saying they would be the long-term climate change impacts for tourism and agricultural industries in his NSW electorate.

But as Labor battles to explain the deeply unpopular carbon tax to voters, opposition climate spokesman Greg Hunt said the government’s scare campaign had plunged to “new lows”.
IPCC throws Mann’s Hockey Stick under the bus? | Watts Up With That?
Somewhere, Hubert Lamb must be pleased that his work from IPCC’s FAR in 1990 showing a warmer Medieval Warm Period than the present is getting attention again. Steve McIntyre must also be smiling at this.

The question now is: will this inconvenient bump be flattened and sanitized in the final version of IPCC AR5?

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