Thursday, September 19, 2013


The Australian Election was a Climate Disaster: What Now? |
We have to divest ourselves from reading and believing the Murdoch press.
Weekend Of Climate Change Actions, Fun |
DeMocker, who is a freelance writer and harpist, will be providing the music for the Portland “Draw the Line” event with environmental ethicist Kathleen Dean Moore (see DeMocker’s interview with Moore in the May 29 issue of EW online). The Portland event starts at 2 pm and includes workshops. DeMocker says a 5 pm photo opportunity will include participants singing a climate song from Belgium. “It’s a polka, so we’ll play with that aspect and get some dancing going.” She says the group still needs an accordion player.
Number of climate change sceptics soars as support for alternative energy wanes | The Times
The proportion of people who do not believe in climate change has more than quadrupled since 2005, according to a government-funded survey.
Arctic sea ice "recovers" to its 6th-lowest extent in millennia | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment |
he scientific data and literature indicate that this year's minimum Arctic sea ice extent is not just the 6th-lowest in the past 34 years, but most likely the 6th-lowest in at least the past few thousand years.
Abbott shuts down Climate Commission
[Flannery] said the commission in its work had stayed out of politics and stuck to the facts.

"As a result we have developed a reputation as a reliable, apolitical source of facts on all aspects on climate change," Professor Flannery said.

1 comment:

chris y said...

Typos need correction. It should read-

"He said the commission in its work had stayed in the politics and stunk on the facts."