Sunday, September 29, 2013


Is the new Tesla Model S right for you? A review from a new owner. | Shawn Lawrence Otto
I got my Model S a few days ago, and it is by far the most expensive car I have ever driving has a net carbon sink effect
A climate of contention | The Australian
"We ran 10 models and six of the models said that by the second half of the century you actually have to have negative emissions," Canadell says.
Die Klimazwiebel: My problems with the IPCC report
Generally, it would have been a good idea to compare the major messages from the 2007 report with those of the 2013 report and say where changes in assessment were made and why. The IPCC shuns such an exercise, and at its peril. The reason why it doesn't want to do this arguably (here I am offering a speculation) has to do with the desire to be perceived as sober, consistent, even infallible. Giving hints at a lack of confidence, the IPCC seems to assume, could provoke critical questions from the audience (and the heavy use of the word ‘confidence’ in the Summary for Policy Makers indicates that the IPCC wants to hammer home this exact point, that it has confidence…). But such a move gives rise to suspicion in the first place, as most of the interested audience can check for themselves what was said and how it was said last time, and if there are discrepancies between the two. So in reality this strategy is bound to backfire.
Climate change? What climate change? | Columnists | Opinion | Edmonton Sun
the key admission in the IPCC report is, “There is a lack of agreement” on just how sensitive the climate is to carbon dioxide.
if you go back to 1941, you have actually got 50 years of near zero or negative trends, and only 22 years of warming.

So which is the norm, and which is the rarity?

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