Monday, October 21, 2013


Will the IPCC start a new conversation about climate change? | Guardian Sustainable Business | Guardian Professional
Imagine an international programme of climate change debates and conversations – events designed not to make an economic case, put forward scientific facts or win an argument, but to allow people to express and discuss their concerns, fears, dreams and hopes for the future. What could be a more useful democratic function than providing the fora and support for the world's citizens to talk to each other about how climate change will impact on their future, and how they want to respond to it?
East Himalayan forests turning brown: Study - The Times of India
there was mild greening till the mid 1990s and then came a sudden and steady reversal which is making these forests appear drier and brown.
Let's persuade skeptics of climate change in Africa - ECA boss
Speaking at the opening of the conference, Carlos Lopes, Executive Secretary of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), said: “We need to persuade the skeptics of climate change in Africa, on just how vulnerable we are to it. We should do this by navigating scientific findings and hard facts that make its impacts unequivocal.”
The “Backfire Effect” and why Global Warmists ignore facts which contradict their opinions | The k2p blog
The behaviour of the IPCC and the Global Warming coterie in ignoring or explaining away real observations in favour of their computer models has always smacked of religious fanaticism rather than scientific objectivity. They have shown a preference for coming up with ever more fanciful explanations about why their predictions are not panning out rather than accept that the basis of their predictions may be mistaken. The heat lurking in the deep oceans or Chinese pollution blocking out the sun or “old ice” declining invisibly while “new ice” increases have all been suggested as explanations...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Himalayan forests turning brown"

Look up Arunachal Pradesh, India, on Google Earth. Quite green.