Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Government weatherman whines that shutdown limits him to doing his job — breaks rule anyway to talk with warmist media |

Confirmation Bias Happens To The Other Guy | William M. Briggs
it still bears repeating that confirmation bias is prevalent and that even you can suffer from it. Yes, even you, even me, and even Chris Mooney who wrote about this paper at Mother Jones under the headline Science Confirms: Politics Wrecks Your Ability to Do Math.
Extreme weather isn’t linked to climate change - Lamar Smith, chairman of the House Science, Space, and Technology committee
To drum up support for costly, unnecessary regulations and subsidies, activists stretch the truth. They want people to believe that these policies will decrease the intensity of hurricanes, tornadoes, droughts and floods. But that’s a scare tactic that needs to stop.
BBC News - Maine lobstermen threatened by climate change and Canada
The catch is up six-fold in just over a decade as climate change warms the waters and encourages huge hauls. Yet the price the lobstermen receive for their crustacean catch has fallen steadily.

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