Tuesday, October 15, 2013


A climate change text book for our peers - On Line Opinion - 15/10/2013
Taxing Air is a solid book. If you have been applying your critical faculties to the climate change debate there is nothing surprising in it, but it lays down the facts and the arguments in a question and answer format which makes them easy to follow. And it provides the bullets to shoot back at the other side in the carbon wars.
Twitter / PeterGleick: The debate has shifted. It ...
The debate has shifted. It is no longer a question of "if" #climate change is real. Now it is what can/will we do about it.
Twitter / PeterGleick: .@2William Seems like a ...
.@2William Seems like a sea-change. Shift in media tone, more awareness. Obama's statements. More discrediting of deniers. Stronger IPCC...
Climate change: Fast out of the gate, slow to the finish the gate
There is also substantial uncertainty in the ultimate amount of warming that would result from any given increase in atmospheric CO2 content. The most sensitive model predicts more than twice as much warming as the least-sensitive model.
Twitter / ClimateReality: .@Twitter is a powerful tool. ...

. is a powerful tool. Donate your status to tell others to watch 24 Hours of Reality 10/22

1 comment:

Soylent Sage said...

Peter, the debate has indeed shifted. It's not a question of IF you are a criminal, only whether you will ever be charged.