Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Climate scientists fight U.S. government shutdown
Another graduate student doing research in the South Pole, Elizabeth Georgeof the University of California, Berkeley, says scientists could lose "not only this season but years worth of work." Even if the government resumes in two weeks, she says, "the damage to decades of scientific research will be irreversible."
Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Mortality at Wind Farms: The Sanitized–and Rest–of the Story — MasterResource
“I therefore suspect that the most likely reason for this missing information concerning eagle mortality at wind farm facilities was due to editing from the upper level positions within the ranks of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. These are same people responsible for the wind industry’s voluntary regulations.”

“So here is the rest of the story. Due to the lack of accountability and monitoring, a single permit could actually result in the death of a hundred of any species a permit is issued for. So much for ‘green’ energy and the public’s sacrifice for paying more for electricity.”
IPS – U.S. Science Reporters Becoming an Endangered Species | Inter Press Service
Like climate change, the demise of science reporting is a slowly unfolding tragedy, say many environmental journalists in the United States.

1 comment:

timg56 said...

Interesting it is environmental journalists making the lament, as the separation between them and science is huge.