What melting arctic ice tells us about our world | Environment | The Observer
Flashback: Glaciergate was a blunder, but it's the sceptics who dissemble | Robin McKie | Comment is free | The Observer
[Robin McKie] The summer thaw did not reach a record low this year, encouraging climate change deniers, but the outlook is unchanged, say scientistsFlashback: Guardian science editor Robin McKie: "As central Europe and much of Asia scorches, millions of starving people will reach our shores. Our country will be turned into a military outpost dedicated to keeping them out"
Flashback: Glaciergate was a blunder, but it's the sceptics who dissemble | Robin McKie | Comment is free | The Observer
Coastal cities will drown, deserts will spread, crops will wither and billions will be left homeless.
1 comment:
Housing can't be built for people moving inland. Wait . . . what?
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