Sunday, October 27, 2013

Uh oh: Al Gore's "Reality Drop" suggests that we can prevent global warming by reading our online news on an unplugged laptop

Twitter / RealityDrop: Start today: 10 actions to ...
Start today: 10 actions to fight climate change
10 Actions You Can Take Today to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
As part of our recognition of the Climate Reality Project's third annual 24 Hours of Reality, this year themed "The Cost of Carbon," we've come up with a list of 10 actions you can take to reduce your carbon footprint. ... [9]...surfing the web expends energy, the amount of which varies based on the device you use. The best policy to adopt when it comes to news consumption is to be mindful.
If you subscribe to a print paper, be sure to recycle your paper every day. If online news is your preferred medium, chose an unplugged laptop or e-reader, rather than a plugged-in device for the majority of your browsing time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes a statement that is made contains so many errors on so many levels that it is difficult to respond. That is except in any other form than a person is a barking mad idiot for believing it.

If anyone wants to know why, I will be happy to explain. However, I warn you the explanation involves a few simple facts of reality and simple logic applied to those facts. Such things are totally beyond barking mad idiots.