Monday, November 18, 2013

Global warming follies in Calgary: Because of a snowstorm, only 50 of 300 expected protesters show up; emergency shelters fill as homeless scramble to escape the low temperatures

Anti-pipeline protesters gather in Calgary to decry climate change | Calgary
“We’re seeing the effects of global warming and we can’t keep denying it because obviously something is happening,” Chagnon said.
Originally about 300 people were slated to participate in the Calgary protest, but due to a snow storm only about 50 showed up.
Cold snap fills homeless shelters
The weekend’s cold snap stretched Calgary’s emergency shelters to capacity as the city’s homeless scrambled to escape the low temperatures and biting winds.


Anonymous said...

What is obviously happening is weather. Been going on since before Man.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, for once we're having a "normal" winter here in Calgary. Last year, it passed us by in comparison. Dress warm.