Saturday, December 14, 2013


Three things that give me hope in campaigning on climate change - UNICEF UK Blog
[caption] Children’s Champions have been stitching messages to show their MPs that they care about protecting children in our changing climate.
More than 2,000 US cold and snowfall records set this week | The Daily Caller
In the past seven days there have been 606 record low temperatures, 1,234 low maximum temperatures and 285 record snowfalls across the country. This is compared to only “98 high temperature records and 141 high minimum temperature records” notes global warming skeptic blogger Anthony Watts.
Mark Landsbaum: Climate alarmists' search for proof going cold
Climatologist Roger Pielke Sr., University of Colorado, Boulder, professor emeritus of Atmospheric Science, says, if correct, the ocean paper means, “the end of surface temperature trends as the icon of global warming.”

If so, that’s a game changer for the climate wars.

If surface temperatures lose their credibility (and we side with those who long have said that’s the case), where will alarmists point to prove their point?

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