Friday, December 20, 2013


First Round Knockout At Madison Square Gardens | Real Science
Change in Manhattan sea level shows essentially no correlation with change in global temperature, but correlates almost perfectly with time (i.e. linear glacial rebound.)
C3: Those Stubborn Facts: 35-Year Cooling of South Pole Confirmed By NASA - Antarctica Ice Sheets Safe
he IPCC's climate science has long claimed that human CO2 emissions are producing an accelerated global warming, with a "runaway" warming trend, which is then being amplified in the north and south polar extremes.
Hundreds of businesses to be paid to switch off to prevent blackouts - Telegraph
Businesses could be paid to shut down from 4pm and 8pm on winter weekdays, under plans approved by regulator Ofgem
Closures of coal power plants escalating - The Green Blog - A Boston Globe blog on living Green in Boston
Defenders of the coal industry insist we will regret this. They warn that a lopsided dependence on natural gas puts us at the mercy of price rises. The argument has a smudge of merit. Natural gas prices probably will rise, especially as states begin to get serious about enforcing safety standards to curb methane-leaky pipes and groundwater contamination. There also are questions of whether the pipelines bringing natural gas to New England can provide enough during the peak winter heating months, a shortage that may prompt more pipelines.

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