Living on Earth: Climate Change Here and Now
Mann: "Climate change is already a threat to national security. There’s increased conflict...essentially, a perfect storm for intense conflict and threats to national security...
...that 13-foot [Sandy] surge that flooded a large part of Manhattan, at least one of those 13 feet was due to human caused global warming...we are already seeing climate change take a great toll on our economy here in the U.S...We know that even a little bit of warming in tropical regions leads to a very sharp decrease in agricultural productivity
...if we see seven degrees Fahrenheit warming of the planet, which is within range of the projections if we continue with business as usual fossil fuel burning, then many regions of the globe will literally be unlivable could be forgiven for mistaking this report for a post-apocalyptic plot that Hollywood had written about it."
America Burning
49 minutes ago
It seems like some modern scientists do to the search for knowledge what cuckoos do to the nests of other birds.
According to his team we already have had warming and food production has increased'
So only the next bit of warming will destroy it.
I have heard Michael Mann tell a room of climate scientists that he agrees that warming in climate models is 'vastly overstated.' He even repeats the reasoning behind it in his book, that there was a massive negative feedback in the tropics during the Medieval Warm Period. Such a long-term negative feedback to global warming would take away the alarmism. Yet here he is, being alarmist as usual. After agreeing with the questioner,"I have a reputation out there as being some sort of climate alarmist, but I think there is a missing negative feedback."
How anyone believes the alarmist malarky is beyond me, considering all of the contrary evidence and how wrong the models have been. I think people want to believe in some kind of end times whether in official religions or not. It keeps them distracted from taking care of what really needs taking care of today. And, by the way, I am a consevative evangelical Christian and cannot stand climate alarmism for its dishonesty and diversion of funds (to solving a non-problem) away from those real problems we need to address: poverty and political corruption.
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