Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An incoherent "truth": Warmist Rebecca Anderson attempts to convince us that carbon dioxide is bad

Rebecca Anderson: Climate Science Round-Up: Global Warming = Global Weirding
You could think of having all that extra energy available as sort of like having extra money lying around. You could stash it away in the bank to use later, but most people would probably want to spend it and put that money to work - a faster, flashier car, a bigger house, more fancy gadgets and appliances.

So just like you can go into a neighborhood with lots of big, fancy houses and you know that means there's a lot of money there, when you see a really big storm / wild fire / heat wave / drought, you know that means there's a lot more energy there than a smaller such event.

This is why global warming means global weirding. All this extra heat / energy gets used to wreak havoc on our climate system and therefore on all of us, too.
So, sadly, any of the benefits of global warming look like they're going to be far outweighed by the negative impacts - especially in the long term. We ourselves might not have to face them, but our children and our grandchildren will.
Rebecca Anderson
Rebecca Anderson is an educator and team scientist for ACE, Alliance for Climate Education (www.acespace.org). She completed her Master’s degree in geological sciences at the University of Colorado in 2007, studying ice caps on Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic.

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