Thursday, May 18, 2006

"Teasing glimpses and tantalizing sounds"

It's now official.

Past predictions are here.


Anonymous said...

Good Job, Tom! You predicted it perfectly. Yes, we all wish the IBWO still existed. But you demanded proof.

You should be the one to get an Explorer's Club award!

Anonymous said...

It’s wasn’t a bird
It was more a hope
Yes it was absurd
But it was more a rope
A lifeline of sorts
I feel like a dope
What this purports
Is the end of the line
For believers of hype
And blogs in decline
What a bunch of tripe!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done Tom and to our mad poet!

Good luck to the new search teams, more tantalizing glimpses are on the way.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that Fitz becomes the man who made the biggest blunder in science since Cold Fusion?

Well, at least it's good for the Cold Fusion folks. Takes the focus off of them. Don't you think?

Anonymous said...

This is bad
Really sad
It’s an end
It portends
Nothing good
In the woods
In a blog
That did flog
the sightings
and writings
Of Sparling
The darling
Bobby too
Oh screw!
And him
Ol’ Tim
And Luneau
And his Tupelo

Anonymous said...

According to Chicago Tribune, "wildlife managers said there was no longer a reason to limit public access to the region"

Now we can all go look for ourselves...whooooohoooooo!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, looks like they have given up on Arkansas. All areas are now open to general public.

Anonymous said...

In the end, can any of you, skeptics and scorn-mongers alike, honestly say that you think the groups involved shouldn't have tried?

You've been banging on these folks to be honest about their lack of success. Now that they have, be fair and give them credit for it.

Anonymous said...

People don't get credit for looking for Elvis, Bigfoot, and Aliens. They only get credit if they find one of them. Fitz announce to the world that he found one, definitively. He was silly to do so.

He should have just looked quietly like most Quixotes on his own dime.

Don't you get it? This is about the perversion of science.

Anonymous said...

I earnestly hoped that Cornell was going to surprise us with exciting news, but instead it's just more disappointment. I now feel a bit like that little blonde-haired girl who sat all night with Linus in the pumpkin patch anxiously waiting for the Great Pumpkin to arrive, but it never showed up.

"You said there was a Great Pumpkin! Where is it you blockhead!!!"

Anonymous said...

Be fair to waste millions of dollars on searches and Federal Grants. Taking money away from realistic projects. It wasn't their dime.

Be fair as they ignore all the IBWO experts out there and mock them.

Conclusive Proof would have saved all this aggravation not fuzzy wuzzy videos.

Anonymous said...

The time, money, corruption of the scientific method, back-room FIERCE arm-twisting, name-calling, reputation damaging, ignorant, self-centered (No, I am NOT done!), erroneous, poorly written and edited, atrocious, nasty, expensive, pollution of the scientific record has come to a freakin' end.

They found no birds this year only because the eyes of the world were on them. The evidence from the last few years never had to pass muster beyond their incestuous, self-aggrandizing, pocket-fleecing gang. As soon as the light of day was brought to bear even they knew their 99% sure sightings wouldn't hold up.

So none of this anonymous apologist:

"In the end, can any of you, skeptics and scorn-mongers alike, honestly say that you think the groups involved shouldn't have tried?

You've been banging on these folks to be honest about their lack of success. Now that they have, be fair and give them credit for it. "


Yeah, I can say they shouldn't have tried without more people on board, people like Jackson. Yeah, and they should have had a truthful evaluation of all their crappy evidence and not worked so hard to prove they were right when there was so much evidence that they were wrong.

Methinks their honesty is, as we say around these parts, a dollar short and a day late.

This great great bird deserved so much more than this grave-robbing, money sucking spin machine. Their karmic debt will be huge.

Here is to people who defended that animal's honor - the Prums, Robbins, Jacksons, Kaufmans, Elphicks, Sibleys, Beviers and Pattens of the world. And here is to Tom Nelson. I bet none of them see this as a "good" day, but they had the gall to tilt at the windmill....and they were right.

Fitz says he is not disappointed. Well, just for the record, the rest of us are. Disappointed, disillusioned and disgusted.

Anonymous said...

Well senor methinks is on fire here, he makes the carpinterio look more like an antpita than the real woodpecker that he aspires to be.

The carpinterio also loves the first graph of CLO's press release. When they were flying high it was "Fitz in the Swamp" practically turning over every rotted log himself - the lead author, and half the lab was co-authors. It was CLO, rapid repsonse, CLO on NPR, CLO and the greatest discovery of all time. Gail Norton and the whirring and clicking of the adoring world.

We all fell down in tears that day. John Fitzpatrick, along with the SCIENTISTS at CLO who took over from that lone kayaker, sparling "Lord God what a Bird" ... had "rediscovered the IVORY BILLED WOODPECKER" ... which is now just a sidebar to the success of the conservation story.

Now that this thing has done the bow down moment just before the lights go dark and the band is playing nearer my god to thee ... Fitzcrow shares the glory with ... wait for it ... Audubon Arkansas.

Incredible. Not only that the "state director" of audubon is happy to have Fitzcrow's millet leavings at the feeder table.

The Carpinterio predicts that in the near future, the search for the IBWO will be turned over to "a local conservation group" ... such as Audubon Arkansas.

TNC and CLO will "focus on the habitat" ... no member of the press will ever follow the story of how Science "took Fitz's word for it" and skipped the peer review ... Fitz will continue to go un challenged in the media when he says "no FURTHER evidence" was found - implying that they in fact do have "EVIDENCE" in the first place.

This blog is about "the evidence" remember that

Viva los Carpinterio Real, vivo los pájaros que solamente elegido puede ver.