Sunday, October 22, 2006

The IBWO "was there when we needed him"


More on the perfectly timed 1971 South Carolina Ivory-bill "rediscovery" is here and here.


Anonymous said...

My name is Andrew and I haven't looked at or posted on Birdforum in 8 days [other addicts clap].

I promised myself that I would stop following this blog since I've come to believe that the fat lady has finished singing, but I had some idle time in front of the computer...and, well, here I am. But Tom can do his IP spywork and confirm that I am visiting much less than I used to. Baby steps, right?

Anyway, I listened to that speech when the link was originally posted. It's from a lawyer/politician. A guy who knows how to choose his words carefully, and a guy on a mission. If you listen carefully to what he says, you'll find that nothing he says is inconsistent with that "historic" event being a hoax. Give it a try. And you wonder why people don't trust lawyers or politicians (or maybe you don't).

Anonymous said...

Let's see...

Late 1960s - We must save the Big Thicket. IBWOs found.

Early 1970s - We must save the Congaree River swamps. IBWOs found.

Early 2000s - We must save the White and Cache River swamps. IBWOs found.

Mid 2000s - We must save the Choctawhatchee River swamps. IBWOs found.

I can assure you that there is no pattern here, just coincidences.


Anonymous said...

I believe the answer to the whole IBWO mystery lies in television.

NBC has a new program called, "Heros" - basically an X-men rip-off - in which human beings evolve incredible new powers in response to massive ecological change.

Clearly, the IBWO evolved to become silent and invisible. It's a super-bird. Mystery solved. Time to hang it up.

Actually, this could make a great sci-fi show...

Anonymous said...

IBWOs only become silent and invisible when competent observers are searching for them. Semi-competent searchers are treated to glimpses. Unsuspecting outdoorsmen such as Kulivan, Sparling, and Fielding Lewis are allowed full-blown, leisurely, point blank encounters. In certain cases (as for Tim & Bobby, certainFL folks), IBWOs fly upside down and "with their bills up their arses" (as someone else put it so articulately). Obviously, IBWO's have also evolved a sick sense of humor.