Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Another update from Hill


If you guessed "more possible detections, but no photo, just like virtually every other IBWO search report for the last 60+ years", you were correct!

An excerpt:
It was a rather slow week for the Auburn/Windsor Ivory-billed Woodpecker search team. Three different searchers from our main search crew had possible Ivory-billed Woodpecker sightings all in a small area, but during none of these possible sightings did the observer clearly note diagnostic field marks of ivorybills. All three possible sightings involved two birds and one was associated with kent-like vocalizations, so we are carefully monitoring that area.


Anonymous said...

Tom this is so great! Every Hillcrow update is going to be met by one of your "Hill has posted an update. If you guess that no photo is forthcoming, then you are correct" statements.

So how many more weeks do we have for you and Hillcrow to go back-and-forth? 17 or 18 weeks of updates?

This is great. What a countdown it will be. And it will just keep getting more and more embarrassing for Hillcrow. What a dolt!

Anonymous said...

any of you girls gettin' nervous?

might be a-fixin to find out who the real rubes are, you know

Amy and others cubicle and box bound, don't yall run off now


your ol' buddy, Cletus

Anonymous said...

Thrilling rumors from the Believers! A definitive photo may have been taken in Northern Florida.

Of course, we heard nine pairs had been found there a few months ago.

And Cornell had film of a bird.

And tmguy had a photo.

And fishcrow had a video.

I'm going to go out on a limb here:

The photo is of very poor quality, or
The rumor is baseless, or
The photo is a hoax.

Anonymous said...

"I'm going to go out on a limb here"

And I hope it breaks!

Anonymous said...

If the phrase "making a mountain out of a molehill" means overreacting to a minimal amount of material, Auburn may be providing us with a new catch phrase:

Making a mountain out of a Geoff Hill

which would be overreacting to no material at all.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Tom. How about a count-up clock on the site? Each day we can see how many days it has been that no definitive evidence of IBWO has been produced.

You would have to decide the starting point. Should it be Sparling's first report? The Harrison/Gallagher "confirmation"?

Should there also be one clock for Arkansas and another for Florida?

Maybe another just for Fishcrow that counts the number of days since he last reported seeing an IBWO? That one would be reset regularly. "It's been 3 days since... never mind."

Tom said...

I don't know of an easy way to put up a counter, but I'd start the clock at the end of April, 1944 (about the time of the last universally accepted record of the Ivory-bill in the US).

As of today, it's been 22,914 days.

Anonymous said...

Lawd have mercy ! This just keeps getting better. "I saw one but couldn't get a photo". It seems to be sweeping the nation.

Where is ole Cletus when we need him?

What, ya'll don't know Cletus?

Ya'll must now be round from here....

You can't jump off this sida the Choctaw hatchee bwig.

You gotta jump off dat sida the bwig...

Bona Ditto

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