Saturday, April 28, 2007

"a team of pragmatic biologists"



Anonymous said...

The linked site ends their post with "...the dazzling array of flora and fauna that currently make the Choctawhatchee Valley home perhaps ought to be the real issue."

And in that case why not urge the "top dawg", Geoff Hill, to write a book about that array of flora and fauna and see how much interest it draws or how many copies it sells.
The only reason that Hill has the funds to provide the logistics to maintain people like this is because of his mimicry of the CLO's scam.

And the reference to "people who advocate using McCarthyist tactics " to discredit IBWO searchers indicates a lack of understanding of what tactics were used by McCarthy. The CLO and Crow family (Fitz, Fish, Hill, etc.) are the ones maintaining the McCarthy legacy. Joe McCarthy tried to build a career by seeing a communist behind every tree and selling his agenda with bluster more than evidence. We know who is playing that role in the 21st Century IBWO fiasco.

Anonymous said...

.... it is also very possible that we haven't shared our planet with this creature for 50 plus years.

It makes no difference whether IBWO is extinct or extant. The sightings will continue. It's a fashionable bird to see.

Anonymous said...

Check this out from Lammertink. Looks like he HASN'T drunk the Kool-Aid:

"Q. After touring the likely ivory-billed habitats, what do you think of the claims that several of the birds have been spotted in the Choctawhatchee River basin in Florida?

A. “The Choctawhatchee, of all the places we worked in, was one of the less optimal forests for ivory-billeds. There’s not a high density of other woodpeckers, not as many large trees. I don’t think (the claims) are well-supported by the body of evidence.”

Q. The various government agencies and universities working on the local search have said they won’t announce any sighting until they have solid photographic or video proof, but you seemed to indicate you haven’t seen one in the past five months?

A. “In all openness, nobody on my team saw an ivory-billed.”

Anonymous said...

And he calls himself a biologist. What an idiot.

It's extinct, stupid. EXTINCT!