Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Flickr "ivory-billed" photos



Anonymous said...

Well I've got to admit, this pic and this pic are better than TMGuy's lame attempt.

Anonymous said...

This is an amazing photo. It actually shows a TB on the left watching an IBWO on the right!

Anonymous said...

One of those pics is Mr. Goatee. Can you guess which one?

Anonymous said...

Well, another IBWO TB has thrown in the towel. Soggy Bill will no longer allow anonymous comments. Hey but he will allow psuedonyms.

Soggy Bill found it "frustrating to not be able to keep track of who is saying what." He decided this after being challenged in one of his posts.

So in the grand tradition of Cyberthrush, he is shutting out comments.

What is a blog without comments? If you can't defend your ideas, why have a blog?